Oh, to have lived in the days of radio programs...! I was watching an old movie called A Tragedy at Midnight, where the main character works on cases the cops are having difficulties with. He then broadcasts his findings over the airwaves. The cops listen, hate him, but they still use his tips. I have only had the good fortune to listen to one mystery radio programs. Sadly, I was too young to remember it, but old enough to remember that I enjoyed it. Another excellent movie, Something in the Wind, has Donald O'Connor singing about radio programs and sitting down with a good mystery program.
Now it might just be me, but I wish that the rush of human life still could accept a radio program that did more than talk about the latest celebrity ridiculousness or political commentary with music tossed. If there is anything drier than radio political commentary, I have been lucky not to run across it yet. I would probably end up acting out!
To sit down and enjoy something as fun as a radio program, where you have to use your own imagination to discover what the characters look like, now that sounds like a genius idea!
I have a plan: radio program or podcast, in the feel of the old mysteries.
(Radio version of the movie, The Ghost Breakers. The movie is amazing... the radio show is hysterical. This is only part one. To find part two, click here)