Tuesday, March 15, 2011

17. Niching in Blogs

I was just talking about blogs, but check this out!


The ability to make money through a blog continually astonishes me. How does it make sense? But when you start to actually look into the blogging world, you see that there are thousands of people reading certain blogs. Most blogs are already very niched audiences, so the company does not have to pay to see if their investment will pan out. In fact, the ability of the sales staff to pick the most effective means to reach their audience is amazing. I would have never heard of this product if it had not been advertised on the blog, but with the abilities that the internet provides us, I not only know about it, but if I had a little more "disposable income," I would certainly be all over them.

So what is the lesson to be learned in this circumstance? The internet can be a friend to everyone. Dive in!

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