You are surfing the internet, swimsuit and all. All of a sudden, you hit a wave of absolute awesomeness in your own area of interest. Intrigued and now off your board, you swim a little closer to what just might be the PROMISE LAND of the internet. Whatever it was piqued your interest, and you quietly wonder to yourself how in the world YOU CAN HAVE ONE. It is not available in your area. You simply cannot make it yourself. So what do you do, marooned on an island without the one thing you really, really want?
Obviously you turn to the great purchasing power that the internet currently represents. Is it really expensive? All you have to do is check prices and see if you are really paying the best price. It was awesome, and now it is yours!
The internet and its ability to spread information and interest across the globe touches everyone. Companies are not the only ones who have the power to sell and the internet market is ripe with possibilities. If you take Etsy for example. It only offers things that are handmade, vintage, or a supply for a craft. It does good business though. Since it is online, it does not have to rely on finding enough people that possess that interest in one small area. In this way, a business that would probably not survive in a community is thriving on the web.
The abilities that are provided to us through the internet are truly spectacular... what will come next?
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